A Guardian Angel

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Last month we heard from our partner, friend and amazing member of our Ama Ghar family, Kathleen Moldovan. She was heartbroken because Katherine Nemeth (Kay), who had been a champion of Moldovan Academy, Kathleen’s school in the San Francisco Bay Area, had passed away. Kathleen asked to work with us to find a very special way to honor Kay. Read …

A Happy Holi at Home!

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Holi is everyone’s favorite holiday at Ama Ghar. Many of the older kids came home to celebrate by throwing wiping and swiping tika powder at their family members – including Bonnie Auntie! Enjoy this family photo album.

Falling in Love Again at Ama Ghar

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Ama Ghar visitor Kate Rademacher shared this wonderful story with us – enjoy – it will make your day… “This week is the anniversary of our former foster daughter’s arrival in our home. She was placed with us the day before the 4thof July holiday. The first ten minutes were awkward as we played a game with her on the …

Trish’s Ama Ghar Story

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An Ama Ghar story from recent visitor Patricia McCully, who took the children on an outing to Bhaktapur. These outings are so important for the children’s cultural education – thank you, Trish! “I am enjoying the warm weather in Godavari, a small valley south of Kathmandu, an arm of the larger Kathmandu valley. Godavari is the home of the beautiful botanical gardens, …

Growing Children, Blooming Trees!

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We feel so lucky that we live in a beautiful valley just outside of Kathmandu, where our children can breathe clean air and experience the glories of their amazing country. In the spring, our trees begin to flower and so do the children – we realize how much they have grown and blossomed over the winter. And sometimes big sisters …

A Special Visitor

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A few weeks ago, our Ama Ghar family had a special visit from Indigo, the niece of our Ama Ghar board member, Poonam Mudvari. She wrote a wonderful account of her visit that we want to share with you here: As we drove through the bumpy Kathmandu roads to Ama Ghar, my knee was bouncing up and down, and not …

Let it Snow, Let it Snow…

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It is extremely rare to have snow at Ama Ghar, even in the coldest winter. We often have cold rain, sleet and even hail, but snow is a new and exciting experience for everyone! Since we don’t like to miss out on any opportunity for fun, all the kids and staff bundled up and spent some time heaving snowballs at …