Although we often post about special events like SLC celebrations and holidays, daily life for the Ama Ghar children is much like that of children everywhere – time is spent on school, homework, sports and play.

Carmen, a Spanish visitor, with Aruneema and Laxmi

Carmen helps the girls with homework.
One way in which the Ama Ghar kids are especially lucky, though, is that they have visitors who join them from around the world to tutor them in languages, play sports and create special art projects.
A recent visitor, Erika, wrote that she just loves getting to know the children better, and that she has spent her time working with them on writing and photography projects.
The help from visitors like these is what makes our children so well-rounded and intellectually curious – they do well in school because they’re very motivated – and the stimulation and inspiration they receive from our friends around the world is invaluable.

Off to school!