The Nepal Earthquake is not over.
Two years later, it is still devastating the lives of children.
The ground may have stopped shaking, but the effects of the 2015 earthquake in Nepal are far from over. Thousands of families have been destroyed forever – there has been a marked increase in child trafficking because vulnerable children were separated from their families in the midst of disaster. According to UNICEF Nepal “Children who have been separated from their families – whether by the earthquake or by their family’s fear that they will no longer be able to support the child – are particularly vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation.”
Ama Ghar staff and older children worked tirelessly with anti-trafficking groups during the earthquake to create Child Safe Spaces at the refugee camps and in our own neighboring villages so that children would be protected from predatory intentions. We even took in 15 new Ama Ghar children last year – when we had budgeted for five – because the need was so great.

One of our older children giving a mother at a refugee camp a packet of food and diapers for her infant.
Your donation allows us to care for these children and bring them up as a family in a large and loving home.
For the past 15 years, our Ama Ghar home has received the highest ratings from the government of Nepal for the quality of our care and for our rescue of children from impossible situations – some have lost their parents due to the earthquake, or from AIDS, drug abuse and mental illness – others have simply been abandoned by families who could no longer afford to feed them.
When they come to Ama Ghar, they are transformed from traumatized victims to happy, healthy, playful children through good nutrition, health care and most importantly, the love of their extended Ama Ghar family. They go to English-speaking schools, learn computer skills and life skills and receive counseling to reach their educational and career goals. To date, our Ama Ghar alumni include a doctor, nurses and health care workers, a trekking guide, culinary workers, an event planner, an architect and an airline employee.
Booker T. Washington said, “Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.” We wish you and your family great happiness – and thank you for helping us to give these children a life and a future.
Comments 2
Let’s not forget!
bless you people what has suffered again god bless you for the men women and children what lost there lives rest in peace now you are in heaven amen