Here’s a note from Bonnie about the weekend’s excitement at Ama Ghar:
“This past weekend has been very eventful at Ama Ghar. Saturday morning, we gathered with anticipation to harvest the balance of our corn crop. While we were in the corn field, a very large snake made itself known – and pandemonium ensued! Surely the snake was as frightened of us as we were of him. We will have to find a way to keep him in his hole while we harvest… but not until next week.

Our new little Pooja is now full of smiles... except during an earthquake!
On Sunday afternoon, some of the children were studying and many others were outside playing, just before dinner time. Then I heard a great roar, and thinking that the children were doing something mischievous, came down the steps -then realized we were having a reasonably large earthquake. I got the little ones out of their room, and we calmly walked down the stairs and outside to join the others. Poor little Pooja, our newest girl, was very scared and confused. We all sat outside for another 30 minutes as I assured them that it was over. Our visitors – Stuart, Cintia and Christina – were helpful in reassuring the children that they were safe.

The childrens' bunk beds are built for safety.
After dinner we reviewed everyone’s actions, praised those that did the right things and reminded the few that stayed in the house that the correct place to go was onto our very substantial iron bunk beds that were built strong for this very purpose. All in all, it was an exciting weekend, which broke up the many hours of studying for the children, as they are all preparing for their Second Term Exams. ” — Bonnie Ellison

The kids are safe and sound, after an exciting weekend...
Comments 1
Hello dear Bonnie and friends at AmaGhar…wow, snakes and an earthquake. I know snakes have a holy place in Nepali traditions…the naga? I understand that it was scary, though…did you identify what kind of snake this was? And Mother Nature making itself felt with some shaking and rolling. Glad all stayed in its place in your new home, thanks to good design and engineering. Little Pooja looks darling, she’s a lucky girl to have found AmaGhar.
We are packing and planning for our departure in a week from today, can’t wait to get on the plane!
Love to all, Heidi Didi