Hope you’ll enjoy this post from Trish McCully, Bonnie Ellison’s sister – wonderful background about the Ellison family and more detail about the ribbon cutting ceremony:
“Our day began with much anticipation. The Ellison family numbered six plus our friend Daisy was visiting Ama Ghar’s new home and Bonnie Didi’s heart project. In 2001, Bonnie Didi called the family and expressed her desire to return permanently to Nepal with a small organization called Ama Foundation. We did not know the organization, but we knew our sister and her abilities. We were excited for Bonnie’s future and our involvement in her life adventure. 9 years later my mother Laura at 89, Walter Dai, Patty Bhauju, Bonnie Didi, Titus Bhai, Daisy and I arrived at a stunning Nepali brick home settled on the terraces of the upper Godavari valley. The children moved among us, pulling our attention to their playground, the new Sattal (Resting place) , their new bedrooms, large family room and open kitchen. When I say stunning, this does not define the simple beauty that radiates from Ama Ghar! We were blessed with a wonderful gathering of Nepali staff, the Ama Ghar board, friends and family. Mother was honored with cutting the ribbon and then we entered! A large family room with a welcoming view of new cushions placed around the perimeter in the Nepali way welcomed us. These cushions are not ordinary cushions! The material used was recycled from all the school uniforms, old curtains, bed sheets and remnants donated from Ama Ghar visitors and friends from around the world! These are international cushions!

Bhesh dancing in celebration of the new house, to the delight of kids and visitors.

The girls with their "Grannie". L to R, Back: Meena, Samjana, Grannie Laura Mae Ellison, Popo, Krishana, Ganga. L to R, Front: Kalpana, Pabita and Jenuka