Dashain is always a special time for the Ama Ghar children, but this year was particularly exciting for the children because Shrawan Nepali, Ama Ghar co-founder, celebrated Dashain with us and gave tika (the combination of rice and tika powder applied to the forehead as a blessing) to all. In the Nepali tradition, all elders give tika to everyone younger at …
The Doorway to Heaven – Swargadwari Temple
Hi, I am Meena. Its my ninth year at Ama Ghar. I was 5 when i first came to Ama Ghar. I am very happy to be at Ama Ghar. I came from a remote area of Nepal. My district’s name is Pyuthan. It lies in western part of Nepal. It is small and naturally beatiful. In my district there …
Menuka's First Blog Post
Hi Everybody, I am Menuka from the family of Ama Ghar. I study in grade 9. I would like to share something about Nepal. The capital city of Nepal is Kathmandu. It has five development regions,14 zones and 75 districts. Nepal is very rich in cultural heritage. The hightest peak of the world Mount Everest is located in Nepal. Our …
Menuka’s First Blog Post
Hi Everybody, I am Menuka from the family of Ama Ghar. I study in grade 9. I would like to share something about Nepal. The capital city of Nepal is Kathmandu. It has five development regions,14 zones and 75 districts. Nepal is very rich in cultural heritage. The hightest peak of the world Mount Everest is located in Nepal. Our …