Scholarships: Education
For Girls
Up to 75 children can live full-time in our eco-friendly built children’s home, but the need in Nepal is much greater. Therefore we provide scholarships to children living in our surrounding community who cannot afford the fees, uniform, and books required to attend the government schools.
Why Education for Girls? – Scholarships
Ama Foundation scholarships promote education, with a special emphasis on vulnerable children in our surrounding community. While both, boys and girls, take part in the program, focused on equal access to education, girls’ education addresses a few more issues, beyond access to valuable schooling:
Every day, millions of girls across Nepal struggle to stay in school. Only a small percentage complete their primary education, often due to poverty. A scholarship, so they can learn, is a crucial step toward keeping eager girl-students in school. It tilts the odds from an early marriage towards following their ambitions, creating a pathway to decent work as they become adults.
The last two years have been particularly tough for families in Nepal due to the 2015 earth quake. With families’ lives in crisis and now focused on reconstruction, poverty is even more extreme, and families make difficult choices to educate only sons. The daughters, who remain uneducated, then have a higher risk of being exploited, married young or dying during childbirth.
In Nepal, where a majority of girls do not have secondary education, Ama Foundation’s scholarship program aims to change that by providing financial aid for primary and secondary education to Nepali girls most in danger of missing out on an education.
How much does it take?
Just US$200 a year in Ama Foundation scholarship allows girls from the poorest families to get access to educational opportunities and to lead better lives, while living at home with their parents. US$200 pays to educate a girl for one year, covering her tuition, a school uniform and textbooks.
Please donate by investing in girls’ education. Support Ama Foundation’s goal to help lifting Nepal out of poverty by achieving gender equality and developing opportunities for all its children and youth. Donate today to bring hope to a child and her family!
All girls deserve a chance at success!
Please donate by investing in girls’ education. Support Ama Foundation’s goal to help lifting Nepal out of poverty by achieving gender equality and developing opportunities for all its children and youth. Donate today to bring hope to a child and her family!

Click to read about:
- Our future plans for Sustainable After-School Curriculum.
- Why saving Energy is important for our Children’s Home and the Scholarship Program.

Kalpana, second from left, with some of her teammates at Qatar Airways.