Our Alumni Need Support

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Sajan and Shankhar during a visit to Ama Ghar earlier in the spring.

For our Ama Ghar alumni, who have worked so hard to get an education and make their way in the world, life is pretty tough right now. While some have remained employed, many of them have lost their jobs because of COVID. Foreign visitors are once again banned, and there are no flights in and out of Kathmandu except for supply deliveries from abroad, so all our graduates who are in travel/tourism jobs are unemployed. Others, like Shankhar and Mangal, are employed in restaurants but receive no salary – just room and board.

The Ama Ghar family, like any other family, has to support our children who have lost jobs or are trying to find jobs – they have no way to survive except to ask their family! Currently, ten alumni are just needing basic survival funding – they can live on $85 a month, so our goal is to raise one year’s worth of expenses = $10,200. Please help if you can donate now at ama-foundation.org… we’ve survived earthquakes, landslides and COVID, and we’ll get through this – thanks to you.