Meet the newest member of our Ama Ghar family – Ganga Maya, who came to us from Sindupalchowk, one of the areas hardest hit by the 2015 earthquakes. Many people in that area have still not recovered from the loss of their homes and livelihoods, including Ganga’s parents, who abandoned her when she was about 10 months old. She was living with her disabled grandfather until she was brought to us last month at age 2 years, 9 months.

She is a very curious little girl and very, very talkative – her grandfather must have talked with her a lot, as she has great verbal skills. Her curiosity leads her to ask questions about everything, from the jewelry someone is wearing to playing with Legos.

As the newest child, Ganga is the center of attention at Ama Ghar and is very comfortable interacting with all of her new brothers and sisters, particularly Sushan, her six year old Ama Ghar brother who sat with her at dinner on her first night at Ama Ghar and was heard to say, “If you live at Ama Ghar, you must study hard!” She will be starting nursery school at the new session at the end of April, and in the meantime she watches Leap Frog learning videos at home.