Congratulations, Sabita!

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Please join us in congratulating our Ama Ghar daughter Sabita, who just graduated with a Culinary Arts degree, thanks to you and our friends at the Didi Project… we are so proud of her. She is an extremely hard worker who shared these wise words about overcoming obstacles:

“Life does not sound interesting if you do not go through ups and downs and seriously I feel so much happier to share my stories and how I overcome it. Make a mistake, learn from it and never hesitate to have fun. If you have smiled remembering your past, you have won.”  

Sabita with Bonnie Auntie at graduation.
Sabita is a great example of the success of our mission as well as the success of our collaborations with the Didi Project, who helped to finance Sabita’s education. We are so grateful to them for their help.

Our house father, Tan Bahadur, has been an instrumental mentor to Sabita.