Although it has been almost a year since our visit to the beautiful and magical land of Nepal and our stay at Ama Ghar, the two have not ventured far from our hearts and minds. We often look back on our incredible time in Nepal helping support the children of this wonderful nonprofit organization and trekking through the Himalayas as …
A Field Trip to Chovar
This post is from Meena, our 15-year-old Ama Ghar sister who loves to laugh and play games – sounds like she had a wonderful time on her field trip! “The day when we went for a field trip to Chovar was Friday 2nd of December 2012. We had all gathered and had a short discussion about it. I was really …
My School
Here’s a blog post from the winner of the our latest blog competition for kids under 14 – congratulations, Rupa! Rupa is a happy go lucky 12 year old who loves to have fun and make friends with our visitors. And judging by her post, she also loves her school! Hi, I’m Rupa. Today my topic is school so I’m going …
A Wonderful Addition to our Family!
Last week we made a wonderful new addition to the Ama Ghar family – a young boy named Bhupendra. He came to us from a far western district of Nepal – Tan Bahadur, our house father, traveled there to bring him back to Ama Ghar. The return trip involved three days of travel, including one day of walking… it’s never …
Song of Joy
Last week marked another exciting milestone for the older Ama Ghar children, when four of our girls performed in a concert with the Kathmandu Chorale. Samjana, Rama, Pabita and Pratima committed in December to weekly rehearsals with the Kathmandu Chorale, a group of volunteers that do two programs per year. One of their programs, the Christmas Chorale, has been a …
Ama Ghar Kids help to clean up Hariya Chowk
The Ama Ghar kids are required to do community service projects, so they learn the importance of helping others. Five of our kids chose to help the Sattya Arts Collective on their project to clean up Hariyo Chowk and turn it into a public space. Here’s what Sattya said about Ama Ghar on their page in “In Nepal, a …
The Thing That Inspires Me
“The Thing That Inspires me” A boy from a very isolated place has got home to sustain. After facing all those challenges he has finally found his safe home that is “Ama Ghar”. This has become a great opportunity for me to be at Ama Ghar and I feel very lucky to be here among my friends at village because …
An Outing with Alpacas
One thing for sure – there are always surprises in Nepal! Bonnie Auntie has always wanted to see an Alpaca but has never gotten to South America. So when she saw an article in the newspaper about a German man who raises alpacas only 20 minutes from Ama Ghar, she was very interested. She contacted this gentleman, who invited 12 …
A Fun Way to Learn!
If you’ve been following our Ama Ghar blog, you’ve probably noticed that the last two entries have been written by the children themselves… this is a result of a very fun contest created by Rob Sanders, Treasurer of the Ama Foundation Board. During his visit to Ama Ghar in November, Rob realized that the children have wonderful stories to tell, …
"Do you know me?"
The second in a series of prize-winning blogs from our Ama Ghar children… meet Ashim. My name is Ashim Nepali. I’m twelve years old Nepali boy and very proud to be who I am. I came to Ama Ghar at the age of eight, when I was really little. It means a lot to me. Ama Ghar has been my …