We often write about the accomplishments of our children, but we are remiss in not writing more often about our amazing Ama Ghar staff. These wonderful aunties and uncles function provide the same kind of warm love and care that the children would receive from their own Nepali family. Today we’ll tell you about our uncles – but stay tuned …
Art Projects are Fun!
The Ama Ghar children constantly amaze us with their talents in art, music, dance and sports. One of the advantages of not being constantly “connected”, as most of us are in the western world, is that they use their talents to entertain themselves and grow in the process. And, of course, it’s even more fun to do special projects when …
Photos from our Visitors
Three people who are very, very special to us have visited Ama Ghar in the last month or so. They took the children on outings and gave them lots of love and fun playtime – and they also took some terrific photos. Enjoy their photos below and join us in thanking Sonnia Karlsson of the Bo M. Karlsson Foundation, former …
Christmas in February?
Of course, most of the Ama Ghar children are Hindu or Buddhist, so the Christmas celebration for us is about observing a season of peace and goodwill and thanking our many friends around the world for their support. Christmas 2014 was so much fun that Bonnie Auntie forgot to send photos for this blog, so we’re reporting about our Christmas …
Manisha’s Adventures in Malaysia
Thank you for believing in our mission to rescue children from poverty, malnutrition, trafficking and abuse and give them the loving home and education they need to become successful adults. And if you need evidence that your support is working, you don’t need to look any further that our wonderful Ama Ghar daughter Manisha. You may remember that Manisha is …
Good Governance
A blog post from Bonnie Auntie: In addition to our mission of raising good Nepali citizens, we as an organization also have a mission to ensure that Ama Ghar is one of the best children’s homes in Nepal. Our priority is the children,of course, but it is equally as important to practice good governance and work closely together with the …
Sonoma Dance Party Raises Funds for Ama Ghar!
On Friday, November 21, Board Members and party co-chairs Sarah Pinkin and Mary Piasta-Valluzzo and a committee of dedicated workers put on a beautiful Festival of Lights Dance Party, complete with noted musicians, dancers, henna and face painting, and a silent auction. The event raised over $10,000 for Ama Foundation, which will go a long way toward payment of tuition …
Ama Ghar Alumni Travel to Pokhara
When Rob Sanders, (known to the kids as Rob Brother or Rob Uncle) came for a visit to Ama Ghar this month, he wanted to do something special for our “alumni”… the older kids who have moved out of the house, but miss their Ama Ghar brothers and sisters enormously. Rob ended up taking the entire group trekking in Pokhara, …
A Visit from Fred Uncle
Ama Foundation Board Member Fred Doar was planning the trip of a lifetime – a trek up to Everest Base Camp with renowned guide Melissa Arnot. But he wouldn’t consider a trip to Nepal without a visit to the kids who mean so much to him at Ama Ghar. Fred has made several other visits to Ama Ghar, sometimes with …
The Best Tihar Ever!
That’s what the older boys said… “the best Tihar ever”… but it was bittersweet. That’s because the whole Ama Ghar family, including alumni and older kids who have been away at school, jobs and internships, were together for a wonderful holiday celebration – but then the older ones all had to go back and leave their younger brothers and sisters, …