Our younger Ama Ghar children are a case in point that kids don’t need expensive toys and electronic gadgets to have fun! Since they’ve been on a school break they’ve found all kinds of great things to do…
First they decided to imitate their favorite Japanese cartoon – called Avatar – they rummaged around in Uma’s sewing room and found fabric to create their own Avatar costumes so they can act out their favorite character… all their idea, all their creativity – and just look at the result above!
Then Jos, our helpful visitor from the Netherlands, offered to assist them and their housemother Aneeta with planting a children’s garden, complete with radishes, beans and flowers!
And then, when all else fails, what could be more fun than sorting Legos??? Hope this reminds you all of how much fun it can be to be a kid – and that these children wouldn’t have that opportunity without YOU. Thanks for all you do!