Four new children have joined our family, and we’re so excited! Aged 4-1/2 to 9, they have spent the last few weeks with us, and are beginning to feel at home with their new brothers and sisters, aunties and uncles. They are always a bit apprehensive and unsure when they arrive. It’s hard to imagine the horrific experiences these children have had at such a young age – so we work hard to make them feel secure and comfortable in their new environment.

Our new twins, Ganga and Jamuna, join their big sisters Rekha, Bina and Maya, with lots of giggling and smiles.
As you can see in these photos, they are adjusting well, thanks to the kindness of their new family. The older children are always very welcoming and supportive, because they remember how it feels…
We have our first set of twins: two 6-year-old girls named Ganga and Jamuna. They have been equally busy in the sandbox, watching cartoons and following the directions of their new older sister Maya, who is always in charge. Rekha is suffering a bit of jealousy as she has lost her youngest child status, but she is playing nicely with them now.
Amish, a jolly boy of 4-1/2, is busy exploring everything at Ama Ghar – he’s very busy with the swings, sandbox and Legos. And we still don’t have a photo of Ajaya, our new 9-year-old – he hasn’t stopped moving since he arrived at Ama Ghar, playing cricket and soccer with his new brothers, Bhupendra and Santosh.