As many of you in the Ama Ghar family know, passing the SLC (School Leaving Certificate) Exam is one of the biggest moments in the life of a Nepali child. It’s not possible to proceed to higher education without passing this important milestone. This year we had a smaller group take and complete the School Leaving Certificate exam – our graduates for 2013 are Meena, Anish and Manju.
At Ama Ghar, we gathered as a family to give a blessing, to congratulate and to have a special snack menu of their choice, always followed by music and dancing. Their brothers and sisters were all gathered to congratulate them and wish them a bright future. Each received a shower of tinsel from an exploded balloon – to everyone’s delight – as well as the customary chocolate and fruit.
Each graduate gave a lovely speech thanking all who had helped them to achieve the SLC Certificate, most especially their Aunties and Uncles. Their older brother Biratjian even returned for a visit to help them celebrate!