Supporting Impoverished Families
Community Scholarships and Kinship Care
Education transforms lives and breaks the cycle of poverty that traps so many children. But in Nepal, a vast number of primary and secondary school children are not in the classroom because of poverty.
In keeping with our mission to educate Nepali children, Ama Ghar has a small community scholarship program to ensure that children in our local area —regardless of gender or circumstances—have access to a quality education.
This fund enables impoverished children to go to school while living at home with their family. Many parents cannot afford the uniform and school supplies necessary to keep their children in school. Ama Ghar provides enough money to give the children uniforms, book bags and supplies.
We support a total of 60 children in our local community schools. $50 per year keeps an impoverished child in school. With your help we can support even more.
Kinship Care
To maximize the reach of our children’s aid we have started a Kinship Care program.
Many impoverished families cannot feed their children properly or send them to school. This often causes parents to consider sending their children to institutions or to be duped by the promises of child traffickers. Ama Ghar’s Kinship Care program provides enough money to feed a child and cover the school expenses so that the child can exercise their right to stay with their family and get an education.
We currently have 15 children on Kinship Care. $300 per year - or only $25 a month - feeds a child and keeps them in school. Please help if you can so that we can support even more families.

Stand for Hope: Two Ways You Can Help Nepal’s Children
- Kinship Care: For as little as $300 a year, this program enables kids whose families can't afford food and education to live at home and attend school. Help us save and protect Nepal’s children, who are among the world’s most vulnerable. Without this support they could be forced to work in difficult conditions to support their families. Please help us to give them tools to build a future. Donate today to bring hope to a child and her family!
- Community Scholarships: For only $50, you can help us to provide a small community scholarship to pay for books, uniforms and book bags for children in the area surrounding Ama Ghar to send their children to school. Education is the key to bringing these children out of poverty, but many families can't afford to send children to school - particularly girls. Please donate today.
Learn how our scholarships provide education for girls. Donate today to bring hope to a child and her family!