At Ama Ghar, we are lucky to have friends around the world who send us gifts – some very useful and necessary and others that are just plain fun! Here are the latest donations, for which we are very grateful:
Our friend Bob G. in Sonoma always sends us tee shirts from Destination Races, which are great quality and we wear them and hand them down until they just can’t be worn any more. It may give people a start to see a Nepali child wearing a tee shirt with a wine glass on it (these races are in Sonoma, after all) but we sure appreciate the gift!

This donation is everyone’s favorite, of course – our friend and funder Dian Alyan at GiveLight Foundation sends a birthday cake each month, to be shared in honor of everyone at Ama Ghar born in that month. Yummy!

Bonnie’s sister Trish bought a new carpet board for the kids’ Ludo game – hopefully this one will last a while because it gets a lot of use. Ama Ghar kids are great competitors when it comes to games.

And finally, our friend Daisy in Colorado continues to send us Crocs, which are the most long-lasting shoes ever. It’s amazing how the kids can run, jump and play games in Crocs – they get worn and worn by generations and still stay in good shape. Check out the feet in our photo below…