“Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens
can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that
ever has.” — Margaret Mead
On August 1, we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the founding of Ama Ghar, and we want to take this opportunity to thank all of you wonderful donors and volunteers who have helped to make possible ten years of transformation.

The original group of children in 2001.
Transformation from frightened, abused, hungry children to happy, healthy scholars… transformation from a cold and crowded rental house to our light and spacious new home… your help has enabled us to change lives and give our children a future.

Our spacious new home in Godavari.
From the first day that Shrawan picked up the children from their remote villages, to outings in Chitwan and the Sunkoshi River, to the celebration of holidays, to dance presentations and dramas, these children really have been a large and loving family, growing up in the amazing, nurturing Nepali culture.

Celebrating a camping trip at the Sunkoshi River in 2008.
Tremendous gratitude goes out to Bonnie Auntie, Shrawan, Shekhar, our dedicated and loving housemothers and fathers, and to the children, for being strong and brave and the best they can be. And to our beloved Ama Tikka, who was our inspiration.

Children working on a writing project with volunteers - 2011.
We have accomplished so much. Three of our original Ama Ghar children have “graduated” on to successful lives – and ten more have passed their SLC’s and are now in 10+2 (equivalent to last two years of high school in the U.S.). All of our children work hard at their studies, and are talented artists, dancers, singers and athletes who never cease to amaze.

There's always time for a fun break during study...
But, of course, there is so much more to do… we are committed to these children through their higher education, and to help them fulfill their dreams will take resources that will be difficult to come by in this global economic downturn. And now that we have built our new home, we are committed to taking in new children and fulfilling our promises of support to our local community.
The next ten years won’t be easy – but with your help, anything is possible.
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Happy Anniversary Ama Ghar!