As our monsoon season is over, we can now weed out the sandbox and use our soccer field, which was a sea of mud for several months. We are preparing for the upcoming Holidays so there is a lot of activity: cleaning the house, weeding the garden and setting up our “briquet factory” to start making briquettes so we have …
Ama Ghar Alums in Architecture, Fashion
We are so proud of our Ama Ghar “alumni” who came to us as small children, grew up at Ama Ghar, gained a great education and have gone out to support themselves as productive citizens. This is our mission at Ama Ghar, and these young people are living proof that it works. Subash, who will finish his architectural degree this …
A Cherished Earthquake Survivor
It’s amazing to us that out of the tragedy of the earthquake, so much is rising again, better than ever. One heartwarming example of this is the arrival of our latest member of the Ama Ghar family, our new dog Siddhi. Siddhi, who was rescued by Animal Nepal from the rubble of a building three days after the earthquake, lost …
Although the aftershocks continue, we have so much to celebrate at Ama Ghar. We are lucky to have so many friends around the world, so we are sharing with you these photos of our latest celebration – a party for Samjhana and Sushan because they both passed their national scholastic examination (SLC) with distinction. This means that they will be …
We Have Lost Our Beloved Granny…
Bonnie’s mom, beloved by the children and staff as their “Granny”, passed away peacefully at the age of 94 on July 18, 2015. Bonnie brought her many “I love you” cards from the Ama Ghar children, which she was able to read before she died. Granny, who arrived in Nepal in the late 1950’s with her husband and four children, …
The Newest Members of Our Family
Our new crowd of eight children arrived in June! They were all scheduled to arrive at the time of the earthquake, so they were delayed in their arrival at Ama Ghar. Now that they’re here, the other children and staff are doing everything they can to make them feel loved and welcome. Menuka, who is training to be a teacher, …
Dignity for the Displaced
One of the worst consequences of the series of earthquakes in Nepal is the number of people who have been displaced. Their homes are either destroyed or uninhabitable and they see little or no hope of re-building in the near future, so they are forced to live in camps under less than ideal conditions. Thanks to our wonderful donor family, …
A Safe Place for Kids
We are so proud of our older children for the work they are doing with earthquake relief. Here’s a blog post written by Pratima Bista, our remarkable Ama Ghar daughter who is taking a Bachelor’s in Social Work. This earthquake is giving her an opportunity to get some hands on practice for her future vocation. May 13, 2015 The most …
Kids Helping Kids
One of the important life lessons that the Ama Ghar children are taught is how important it is to help others who are less fortunate than themselves, and there are few things in life more gratifying than watching the children muster their resources to help those in need, as they have been doing since the beginning of the earthquake relief …
Joy From Tragedy
In the midst of tragedy, we have found joy – our Ama Ghar daughter, Bindu, who had been planning her May 7 wedding for months, decided to go ahead with the ceremony. Bindu is the first Ama Ghar alumna to marry, so this moment was even more special for the Ama Ghar family. She and her groom, Prem, provided a …