Rama painting mirrors for use in the new house
A letter to Ama Foundation friends and supporters from Bonnie Ellison – a bit late because we’ve been having trouble uploading photos to our blog!
“Happy New Year Everyone…. I hope your holidays were filled with fun and love…..it was at Ama Ghar.
On Christmas eve, in spite of a Bandh and after six hours, we got to the General Post Office to retrieve one of two packages from Cathy Auntie and Dick Uncle. Lucky for us it was the one with the Christmas Candy! Thanks Cathy & Dick. We got the second package New Year’s Eve!
In addition to Cathy’s treats, games and notebooks the children got their usual bundle of nuts and fruits, lots of stickers and Beanie babies that came from Colorado. Our new outdoorholiday tree was planted for the Soft Opening and this year we were given a tree for the inside. The Christmas decorations added color to the main activity room.

Ama Ghar kids show their Beanie Baby gifts on Christmas morning.
The children are on their “winter vacation” and have been a wonderful work crew. The boys help me hang the pictures and they have all gathered and moved rubble and generally are helping with the leveling for future landscaping. The entire front area is finished and we aren’t walking construction dust into the house, so the floors are finally being cleaned. The painting in the “activity room” is complete and Srijana is working on a masterpiece for the art room/sewing room door. Everyday the house is taking on the flavor of our Ama Ghar and feeling more like home.

Prakash and Ashim helping during our move.
Solar Power is in and working! We have had a few stops and starts and the electrician still has a little work to do but we can cook our rice, use thecomputer/TV and have lights during the 12 hours per day we don’t have power. The stupa has been built and we only need to paint the dome area white. A 93 year old Newari lady (who contributed one lakh rupees) assisted us in the final placement of everything and did a lovely “Puja”. Thank you Manoj for introducing her to Ama Ghar. I will be sure she gets some photos.
Today is the last day of one mason working and then we will be finished with the necessities. The children, staff and I will continue working to finish up many small things that have to be done. We are all adjusting to the new location and changes in our schedules, some sooner than others, but all in all everyone seems happy and settled in. Pabitra Auntie retired so we are looking for a new House mother to add to the staff; more change.
I am very pleased with the way the children have naturally used the space of the new house. The activity room is always full of children and they are all doing their respective things. The study room is quiet and being used by those studying for their SLC. As at old Ama Ghar…the front area is the center of all outdoor activity. Thanks again for all you’ve done to make this possible.” — Bonnie Ellison